Welcome to Our Church

Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church (USA) is a congregation located in the heart of Joppatowne.  We currently hold online and in-person Sunday services starting at 11 am. We are the kind of church where people find a home. Our church welcomes all.

You may find current and back services on our YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@shepherdofjoppa5250/streams


Join Us at Good Shepherd, Joppa as we host the Harford County Sheriff’s Office’s FREE Active Shooter Training!

This event is free to the community, you must RSVP to join the event.

Please use the QR code in the flyer to the left, or email Office@Holy411.org to RSVP your spot today!

Online Services

You may find current and back services on our YouTube Channel

Making Space for Faith

Our Beliefs

In making a space for faith, Good Shepherd is changing lives and helping people to grow in God’s love.  The congregation is committed to openness, transformation, joyful service, and spirituality.  […]

Our Worship

Sunday morning worship at Good Shepherd is the weekly gathering point where people come together to share life, encounter God, and make a space for faith. The worship is both contemporary and traditional. […]

Our Children's Center

We offer a full range of child care, full day pre school, part day pre school, and before/after school program. Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church (USA) also offers summer camp for school age children.  […]

The Children's Center at Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church

Where Faith is Fun

Children having fun time learning.

Thought for the Week 04-30-2024

Come everyone who is thirsty for water Those who are seeking for refuge sublime Come and be filled with His tender compassion Jesus the Savior divine Won’t you come to the water Won’t you come to the river of life Come to the mouth of the fountain Jesus the Savior...

Thought for the Week 2-27-2024

A Queen refused passage because of comments.

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