Join us on Sunday at 11:00 AM
Sunday morning worship at Good Shepherd is the weekly gathering point where people come together to share life, encounter God, and make a space for faith. The worship is both contemporary and traditional at the same time. Our pastor’s preaching style is dynamic, sharing topics that help to encourage vibrant life and joyful living.
The Sacrament of the Lord’s supper is celebrated at least twice monthly. Good Shepherd has an open table. No membership or status is required to partake of communion. All in attendance are welcome to participate.
What people are saying about the worship life of Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church:
- “Touches me in that place of meaning…”
- “Sunday morning at Good Shepherd gets me ready for the whole week…”
- “I never know what will happen–I come back just to see and experience all that is in store.”
- “The music is incredible.”
- “I love it that there is an open table for communion–other churches don’t have that.”