Pastor’s Corner 04-04-2023

Apr 5, 2023 | Pastor's Corner

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I have been thinking about how northern-hemisphere-oriented Christianity is. We talk about the birth of the Christ-child “in the bleak mid-winter,” but it’s in the heat of mid-summer in South Africa; and we talk about Easter and the signs of new life in Spring, but it’s late fall in Australia, and winter is coming in Argentina. Luckily (or rather, by the grace of God), our faith has been able to overcome these global distinctions and to be embraced by brothers and sisters all over the world. We are all in need of the redemption that Christ’s resurrection brings and grateful that God has made it available to us, wherever we live.

I pray that this Easter (whatever the “season”) will be a joyous time for each of you, and that God will richly bless Good Shepherd with the spirit of the Resurrection in the coming months and years.

Let every kindred, every tribe on this terrestrial ball
to him all majesty ascribe, and crown him Lord of all.

Keep the Faith,
Pastor Kerry

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