In making a space for faith Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church is changing lives and helping people to grow in God’s love. The congregation is committed to openness, transformation, joyful service, and spirituality.
The congregation’s stated core beliefs are:
- Alive In Us, The Holy Spirit Is At Work Revealing Jesus, Who Shows Us How To Live, And Revealing God Who We Will Love Above All Else.
- In The Essential And Central Actions Of Worship, Education, And Service We Are Transformed And Called To Live Out The Radical Transforming Of The World.
- The Reality Of Our Faith And The Shape Of Our Purpose Originate In The Dynamic Interplay Between Our Comprehension Of The Triune God (“Growing In God’s Love”) And Our Call To Action In The World (“Changing Lives”).
The open arms of Jesus demonstrate the posture God calls us to have for our neighborhood and world: openness, welcome, hospitality, inclusiveness.
Good Shepherd is:
- Commitment to Diversity and Inclusivity
- Welcomes all in our community
- Represents a number of races and classes
God’s loving act of reconciliation in Jesus the Christ transforms the world and signals that the new age is dawned and God is still at work in the world. As the Body of Christ, the Church is called to undertake the mission of transforming all of life with a new openness to the presence of God.
Good Shepherd is:
- Making a space for faith
- Emphasizing that life is best lived by making love the aim
- Changing the community by seeking justice
- Working to shift “the system” that all have access to resources and opportunities
Joyful Service
In poetic song the Prophet announces to the exiles a new exodus into and Eden-like land. He says, “You shall go out in joy and be led back in peace.” Going out in joy describes the momentum with which Good Shepherd serves God by serving God’s people.
Good Shepherd is:
- Meeting needs in the community
- Provides quality child care for the children of the community
- Delivers a superior Early Learning Center through Preschool and Pre-K
- Offers a safe place for Before & After School care
- Supplies a summer camp that is both fun and educational
- Doing mission through hands on service and giving
When Moses removed his shoes at the burning bush, it was a spiritual act conducted on holy ground. The spirituality we live is a holy ground of prayer, learning, worship, discernment, and intentional living.
Good Shepherd is:
- Sharing a dynamic worship experience
- Praying daily through worship, prayer chain, and pastoral presence
- Studying through Bible Study groups, opportunities, and special services
- Involving children through Shepherd’s Kids in a positive, character building environment