Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church (USA) is a congregation located in the heart of Joppatowne. We are the kind of church where people find a home. Our church welcomes all. While most churches say that, Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church (USA) means it and lives it.
You may find current and back services on our YouTube Channel
Whoever you are, we believe that you are a gift of God and that you were meant to be a part of our community of faith.
We invite you to be on the journey with us! Worship with us, and grow with us.
Look around this website, come visit us, and you will discover that we are the kind of church you have been looking for.

Our History
June 1963

The Rev John H. Houdeshel was appointed National Missionary and Organizing Pastor. In October, 1963 the first worship service was conducted in the ‘Joppatowne Theater’ (that was the fancy name for the building near the model homes where they showed the promotional films for the salesmen).
December 1964
January 1965
Pastors Over the Years
In 1972 the congregation called the Rev. Philip Sommer to be the pastor. The Rev. Dana Knapp became the pastor in 1983 and served until 1996. At the beginning of 1998, the Rev. Dr. Daris Bultena became the pastor of the church. Rev. Jeanne Gay served as our interim pastor until 2018. At the beginning of 2019, Rev. Keith Roberts joined us as pastor, and served until 2020. Since 2021 we have the pleasure to call Rev. Kerry Slinkard our current interim pastor.
The current sanctuary was dedicated in 1980. In 2015 the congregation committed to a plan for building the next phase of the physical plan which will house the Children’s Center and enhance the whole ministry of the church. Mid 2020 Good Shepherd proceeded with the remodel of the Children’s Center and Sanctuary adding a new classroom, this expanded our Children’s Ministry to include infant care